Website creation and management
The website has been created Apart
Viale Col di lana 8
20136 Milano
The hosting is provided Exoca
8 rue Jean XXIII
80000 Amiens
The maintenance and technical support is provided by Apart.
Its management and editorial content are under the All Road Management company.
All Road Management does its best to keep this website updated with correct information. It reserves the right to correct its contents at any time and without prior notice.
Despite all the care taken in their writing, the information contained in this website is given as an indication. All Road Management can in no way be held responsible for the use and interpretation of the information available on this website.
Processing of personal data
No information is collected without letting you know. You may request to access, modify or delete your data. To use this right, please write us via our contact page.
Links to other website
The All Road Management website contains links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our website, you should note that we do not have any control over these other websites.
As a result, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites.
Any resumption of the contents of this website is subject to the agreement of the author pursuant to the Code of Intellectual Property. These contents cannot be reproduced freely without prior request and without the indication of the source.
Reproductions for commercial or advertising purposes shall, with exceptions, not be permitted.